How To Dominate Your Debt

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If you learn how to dominate your debt, that is a major part of having your finances under control. The best debt management strategies are the ones that allow you to take full control over your finances. So how do you really dominate your debt? Follow these 5 steps.

A nonprofit credit counseling agency could help you dominate your debt.

How To Dominate Your Debt

As your credit card debt begins to roll in it can put an intense strain over your personal finances. Having access to resources and understanding all of your options can make the difference between dominating debt and drowning in it. So let’s look at some guidelines on how to dominate debt.

Figure out what you owe – Do not live in denial and allow your debt to pile up. Write down every debt you have as well as the amount you owe. With this information, you can create a plan on how to best go about paying off each debt.
Organization is key – Pull all those bills out of the drawer and get your finances in order. Organization will help motivate you to create a plan to dominate your debt.
Mark your calendar – Create a calendar devoted to payments. Mark when each bill is due on your calendar and cross it off once it has been paid.
Look over your bills – Carefully examine your bills to see if there are ways you can reduce them.
Reduce your spending – Shrink your monthly spending to help you get out of debt at a faster rate. Review your credit card statements to see where your money has been going to each month. Create a budget and stick with it each month.

When To Seek Outside Help

If you have taken all of the above steps and you still feel you are not able to pay off your debt, it may be time to seek outside help. A nonprofit credit counseling agency can help. Credit counselors can take a look at your overall financial picture and determine the best options for you moving forward.

The best option could be enrolling in a debt management program. In a debt management plan, your debt is consolidated into one monthly payment, which is lower than what you would have been paying all of your creditors. This is because credit counseling agencies negotiate with creditors to lower interest rates and waive other fees. A debt management plan through American Consumer Credit Counseling typically gets consumers completely out of debt in 4-5 years.

If you’re struggling to pay off debt, ACCC can help. Schedule a free credit counseling session with us today.

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