20 Steps To Financial Health with ACCC

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Here’s our credit counseling perspective – to achieve financial health is key to a stress-free successful life. A life with minimum credit card debt is a luxury to have. However, this is an achievable task with a little bit of planning with your financials. American Consumer Credit Counseling provides 20 steps that will help you achieve good financial health. Let’s break it down!

Paying off debt improves financial health. .

20 Steps To Financial Health

The most basic financial organizing comprises of three things:

Assessing your past money moves
Set SMART goals and a plan to achieve those goals
Keep monitoring, tracking, and modifying these goals and plans to stay on track.

ACCC’s 20 steps to financial health fit into this three-step model. Let’s see what it entails.

Pledge to change how you feel about your money
Get organized
Get copies of your credit reports
Dispute any erroneous information on your credit report
Set financial goals
Set short, medium and long-term goals
Track your spending
Create a budget
Reduce spending
Determine your net worth
Pay down debt
Eliminate unnecessary credit cards
Start a savings plan
Protect your assets
Managing major purchases
Securing your financial future
Financial checkups
Understanding the cost of credit
Protecting your identity
Watch out for warning signs

The following video illustrates the 20 steps in a more concise manner!

If you are struggling to pay off debt, ACCC is here to help. Schedule a free credit counseling session with us today. 

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