How Can ACCC Help You Get Out Of Debt

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Finding the right company to help you get out of debt is a major part of the debt relief process. American Consumer Credit Counseling (ACCC) is a reputable credit counseling agency serving its customers for decades. Here is how and why ACCC is your go-to place for your road to debt recovery.

Get out of debt with ACCC’s support.

How Can ACCC Help You Get Out of Debt?

Timeline & Low Rate Structures

ACCC is committed to finding you suitable debt solutions, usually within five years, which otherwise would have taken even a decade. ACCC is a non-profit organization with certified counselors who deliver solutions for individuals and families to get out of debt. The company offers some of the lowest rate structures of any debt management program, meaning its services are affordable and convenient. If you’re ready to seek help getting out of debt, contact us today to set an appointment for a free consultation.

The Well-Rounded Services Offered

Getting out of consumer debt is not an easy process. However, in seeking debt relief, it is important that you receive financial education to help you avoid debt in the future. Therefore, ACCC offers a comprehensive financial education process along with the debt management program to help you face your financial future with much-needed organization and confidence. The services they offer include:

Evaluation of your finances- Obtain a comprehensive picture of your financial situation, including your debts, expenses, and income.
Planning and budgeting- Help creating a budget while paying off your debt.
Debt relief consolidation- Consolidate the money you owe so you can make a single payment each month to ACCC. The company makes payments to all of your creditors on your behalf. This enables you to stay current with your payments. Also, it reduces the stress of having to make separate payments to your creditors.
Communication with creditors- Working with your creditors for a possible reduction in your interest rates, late fees, over-limit charges and the time it will take to pay off your loan.
Financial education- You’ll have access to a wide variety of educational resources to help get out of debt. These include newsletters, articles, and tools on our website that can help you manage credit card debt.

If you’re struggling to pay off debt, ACCC can help. Schedule a free credit counseling session with us today.

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